Terms & Conditions


  • Access to and use of our Website is subject to the terms of use set out on this page, as well as our Privacy Policy.

  • Accessing our website means you agree to our “Terms of use” and “Privacy Policy”, if you have any questions about them, contact us

Terms of use:

  • Make sure you read and understand our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

  • We often update our Terms of Use, the updated version will always be available on our Website. Make sure you are aware of any changes we make. If you use our website after we update our Terms of Use, you will have accepted any updates we make. If you do not accept these updates we advise you not to use our website. These terms and conditions were last updated on the date stated on the page.

Your account:

  • We do not require you to create an account to use our website, however you must create an account to submit to us or to use certain features on our website.

  • We enable you to create and personalise a profile on Next Sound, to enable us to do this you must provide us with the information you want to display on your profile. We also enable you to provide links to your “Soundcloud” and “Spotify” accounts, if these links contain hate speech on the grounds of race, ethnicity, cultural identity, religious belief, disability, gender, identity or sexual orientation; or includes terrorist or extremist content, violence, abuse, self-harm or harassment, nudity or pornography, child sexual abuse or grooming material; we will remove your account and you will no longer be able to use our website.

  • You must not attempt to impersonate another person or company, when creating a profile, without permission from that person or company.

  • You must not sell or attempt to sell your account.

You understand Next Sound has the right to terminate your account if you do not follow these guidlines.

Your use of the website:

You must not use the website to upload, communicate, promote, make available, or continue to make available:

  • Hate speech on the grounds of race, ethnicity, cultural identity, religious belief, disability, gender, identity or sexual orientation; or includes terrorist or extremist content, violence, abuse, self-harm or harassment, nudity or pornography, child sexual abuse or grooming material.

  • Any Content, Information or other material that infringes, plagiarizes or misappropriates the rights of a Third Party.

  • Any material that contains malware such as viruses, Trojan horses, spyware, or any other malicious content which disrupts, impares, or overburdens the platform or servers, or might restrict a users use of the platform.

  • You must not use the platform to engage in illegal activity

  • You must not stalk, threaten, exploit, abuse or threaten any user of the platform or any Next Sound employee.

  • You must not attempt to collect or attempt to collect any personal data (password, or other data) unless you have permission from that person.

  • You must not attempt to violate or circumvent any of our security measures; log into an account or server you do not have permission to access or scan to test the vulnerability of Next Sound’s servers.

  • You must not use any data from our website for any commercial purposes without our permission.

You understand that you agree with the above terms when using the website.

Tracks and visual content:

  • Metadata such as audio and artwork are taken from Soundcloud, we use Soundcloud Visual Embed player to make tracks playable on Next Sound. You must accept Soundcloud’s cookie policy to play and upload tracks to Next Sound.

  • Soundcloud may use cookies to track the content you interact with involving the “Visual Embed Player”

Accuracy and Availability:

  • We do everything we can to ensure our website is free from bugs, accurate, and up to date, but we cannot promise it will be.

  • You are responsible for putting in place your own internet security and safety measures.

  • Our website is provided for free, we cannot develop it to meet your specific requirements. We cannot guarantee that it will meet your specific purpose for it.

  • We update our Website regularly and reserve the right to add, remove and otherwise change the Website and/or its content at any time without notice.


  • You are responsible for making sure that your computer or other device is compatible with our website.

  • You are responsible for making sure anyone accessing our website through your internet connection is aware of our Terms of Use.

Intellectual Property Rights:

  • Our website and it’s content are protected by certain rights. We reserve all rights to the Logo, domain name, and all related domain names.


  • You may distribute links to our website as long as it is not for commercial purposes, does not damage our reputation, or take advantage of it.

Third Parties:

  • Our website contain links to third party websites, we are not responsible for the contents, information, opinions of the third party websites.

  • If you decide to visit any third party website you do so at your own risk.

  • Your browsing and interaction on third party is subject to the operator’s own rules and policies.


  • If any provision of our Terms of Use is found to be invalid for any reason, the invalidity of that provision will not affect the remaining provisions of our Terms of Use, which will remain in full force and effect.